Cabildo and AECA reach a pre-agreement to foster formative programs in Antigua

Cabildo and AECA reach a pre-agreement to foster formative programs in Antigua

Caleta de Fuste could thus become a reference center in language formation.

Rafael Páez, Cabildo Economic Development Council, met AECA’s Board of Directors last 30th November to inform them about the grants and formative programs the Cabildo is implementing in 2017.

Páez pointed out that the Cabildo “is working on important formative programs to foster employment. In this sense, language skills are essential for any economic sector”.

AECA will propose the two formative actions to be implemented in Antigua. Rafael Ufano, AECA’s president, stated that “It is a great opportunity for workers so we offer our help to get as many participants as possible”.

The formative plan includes two different dimensions: courses in collaboration with the University of Las Palmas Foundation for obtaining a Cambridge certificate of English language, and non-formal education directed to tourism professionals.

This way, Caleta de Fuste would become a reference center for language studies, which would translate to the service offered to the tourists visiting us.

In addition to that, since the Cabildo is working on the regulatory bases for grants to foster employment in 2017, AECA formulated several proposals to guarantee their operability.

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